Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read their responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.
This Week’s Question: Late Night is four years old. What work of art would you have liked on your fourth birthday?
“The Picasso. I had really good taste.” – Nate, class of 2011
“The Florine Stettheimer- because its pretty and there are people playing.” – Rosie, class of 2013
“The Dutch Market- it reminds me of how my parents used to garden and bring baskets of fruits and vegetables home.” -Dominic
“The Warhol Mikey Mouse, which isn’t on view but it is awesome.” -Max, class of 2011
“The Calder because you could play with it.” -Dan, class of 2013
“Chinese Bronze Food Vessel- I could’ve put my pet dinosaurs in it.” -Martin
“The Francis Bacon. I was weird.” -Mikey, class of 2011