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Last Night at Late Night: And the Oscar goes to…

Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read their responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.

This Week’s Question: The Academy Awards are this Sunday. Which work of art in the collection would you award “Best Picture” or present another award to?

“I would give the “Best Actor” Award to an ‘Old Woman Drinking’. ” – Isaac and Naimah, class of 2014

“Best Picture” would go to ‘The Defense of Paris’.” – Maggie, class of 2014

“I would give “Best Costume” to ‘The Dressing Room’ by Henry Fuseli” – Stacy, class of 2011

‘”Best Actor” would go to Merymose’. -Lina, class of 2013

Late Night 2-24-11

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