Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read our favorite responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.
This Week’s Question: It’s the Royal Wedding!* Which work of art reminds you of love?
The Doré, Defense of Paris, It totally embodies a different kind of love – the love for one’s country. -Kelly, class of 2011
Edvard Munch’s The Seine at St. Cloud – after all Paris is the city of love. – Alex, class of 2013
Henry Fuseli’s The Dressing Room – I think it’s a lovely depiction of sisterly love. -Chelsea, class of 2011
Banquet Still Life with Ewer and Bread by Pieter Claesz – I love food! – John, class of 2012
The Bathus (Le Semaine des quatre jeudis) because there is something so nice (and lovely) about lazy mornings. – Joe, class of 2012
The Portrait of Matthew Vassar because I love going to school here! – Samantha, class of 2014