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Last Night at Late Night: Love is in the Air

Max Klinger (German, 1857- 1920), Hochzeitsfest Amors und Psyche (Cupid and Psyche's wedding party, from Cupid and Psyche), 1880, Etching and aquatint, Purchase, Miggie Dougherty, class of 1941, Memorial Fund, 1980.49.15

Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read our favorite responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.

This Week’s Question: It’s the Royal Wedding!* Which work of art reminds you of love?

The Doré, Defense of Paris, It totally embodies a different kind of love – the love for one’s country. -Kelly, class of 2011

Edvard Munch’s The Seine at St. Cloud – after all Paris is the city of love. – Alex, class of 2013

Henry Fuseli’s The Dressing Room – I think it’s a lovely depiction of sisterly love. -Chelsea, class of 2011

Banquet Still Life with Ewer and Bread by Pieter Claesz – I love food! – John, class of 2012

The Bathus (Le Semaine des quatre jeudis) because there is something so nice (and lovely) about lazy mornings. – Joe, class of 2012

The Portrait of Matthew Vassar because I love going to school here! – Samantha, class of 2014

* Fun fact: Prince William and Princess Catherine were both art history majors at St. Andrew’s.

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