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Last Night at Late Night: Rediscoveries

Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read their responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.

This Week’s Question: What work of art were you pleased to rediscover this evening?

Some of our favorite responses:

“The Matthew Vassar portrait by Charles Loring Elliott. But where is the cake?” – Joseph, class of 2011

“The Giacometti. It’s a lovely painting. I forgot how loose and sketchy something can seem and still be finished. It doesn’t take a lot to tell something.” – Graham

“I was excited to see the Stettheimer because we talked about it in my body politics class last semester.” – Brianna, class of 2011

“I didn’t know we had any Stieglitz. Or so many Georgia O’Keeffe’s!” – Carolyn, class of 2011

“I have taken so many photos of Picasso’s work at the Met, etc.- so he is kind of my artist-hero really. This work is particularly fascinating because it is so difficult to catch the face moving in increments the way he did.” -Luci

“The Pollock- I’ve always thought his work is great.” – President Cappy Hill

“The Agnes Martin… it’s really simple at first glance but once you get closer you can see how complex it is. It’s amazing that the lines aren’t drawn with a ruler.” Marissa, Olivia, and Matthew, class of 2013

“Shadow Decoration.” – Elizabeth Daniels, class of 1941

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