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Connections: How to Video

The twenty Laurentian green benches that line the path from Vassar’s Main Building to the All Campus Dining Center appear to have always been sitting and waiting for passersby to rest upon or to consider the text by Elizabeth Bishop inscribed on them. The site-specific installation by Jenny Holzer, For Elizabeth, has become part of the Vassar landscape.

In 2006, the benches were commissioned in honor of Frances Daly Fergusson, President of Vassar College (1986-2006) on the occasion of her retirement. A short film, Benchmarks, was produced that documents how the benches were conceived and constructed.

Tomorrow night, we will gather to consider Holzer’s work and Bishop’s words at Late Night Leaves the Lehman Loeb. Students will recite selected poems and attendees can produce rubbings of their favorite passages. We hope to see you there.

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