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Last Night at Late Night: 150 Years

Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read their responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.

This Week’s Question: If you could photograph any moment in Vassar history, what would it be?

Last night over three hundred visitors turned out for the opening of our new exhibition, 150 Years Later: New Photography by Tina Barney, Tim Davis, and Katherine Newbegin.

Some of our favorite responses:

“The construction of Main Building.” – Nick, class of 2012

“My mom in her Davison dorm room in 1969.” – Julia, class of 2012

“Seeing them chipping the piece of Plymouth Rock that is on New England Building.” -Kelly, class of 2011

“The moment when Vassar women found out the school was going co-ed.” -Mikey, class of 2011

“A moment with Matthew Vassar- perhaps a time when he was with Elias Magoon.” -Allelu, class of 1952

“The first boy on campus.” -Spencer, class of 2014

“I want to photograph my fifth year reunion in 2016. I’ve been the reunion intern for the past few years and it has been really fun and I can’t wait to see what all of my classmates are up to.” -Marie, class of 2011

“Anything when Edna St. Vincent Millay attended Vassar, like in class, chillin’ with a professor or something.” -Adam, class of 2014

“Well, I went to Yale and my brothers went to Vassar, so I would like to be a fly on the wall at the meeting they they decided not to merge.” -Katherine

“John Raymond wrote a letter that talks about walking around the night before the college opened and coming through the gatehouse. I’d like to be standing there next to him in that moment when he witnessed all the students on that night… when everything became real.” -Susan, class of 1963

“The day when Jane Fonda came to tea wearing just white gloves and pearls. If the rumors are true.” -Mariclaire, class of 2012

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