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Last Night at Late Night: Joy

Joan Miró brings Art Center visitors joy.

Every Thursday night during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb we pose a question to our visitors. Read our favorite responses and let us know your answer in the comments section.

This Week’s Question: What work of art defines “joy” to you?

The Miró, all those shapes remind me of being a kid. – Donna, class of 2011

Shadow Decoration– it’s so peaceful and calming. Though on second thought, she’s working, so she’s probably not having any fun at all. – Maria, class of 2012

The Bacon- it makes me feel better about my own life. – Ellen, class of 2011

Autumn in North America – I think that fall in the Hudson Valley is a pretty joyous time of year. The colors are beautiful. – Chris, class of 2013

Down the Hudson to West Point – it reminds me of going sailing in the summer with my Dad. – Sam, class of 2012

The Mark Rothko – the colors are really vibrant, they help me forget the dreary weather forecast. – Rachel, class of 2012

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