Munch in Paris

Today’s post comes from Erin Gallagher, class of 2013 and Art Center Student Docent. Permeated by the dusky blue palette of nighttime Paris and an overriding sense of lonely...

Idealized Reality in Ancient Rome

Today’s post comes from Stephanie Muir, class of 2015. One of many classical works in the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center’s collection, the Funerary Relief of Attia Rufilla reveals...

Reflections on "The After Gallery"

Today’s post comes from Simone Levine, class of 2013 and Art Center Student Docent. The past three Thursdays this July, Director Mark Lindberg and the Powerhouse Apprentice Company presented...


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Video by Naima Nader, student docent and Vassar class of '23

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