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Want to be a work of art?

Kate Gilmore, Walk the Walk, 2010. Photographic documentation of Public Art Fund performance, Bryant Park, New York, New York.

2010 Whitney Biennial artist Kate Gilmore will present her new performance piece Tow the Line on Thursday, October 7th in Noyes Circle.

24 female Vassar student who are STRONG, DEDICATED, willing to wear required dress, willing to get dirty, willing to be photographed, willing and able to work outside, able to 3 ½ HOURS with no break and available from 11:45 AM – 3:45 PM or 3:15 PM -7:15 PM on Thursday, October 7th.


Informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 9TH at 4:45PM in the Jade Room in Taylor Hall.

Please direct questions to: EMKLOPPENBURG@VASSAR.EDU