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From the Vault: Jim Dine

Jim Dine (American, 1935- ) Self-Portrait (New York Ten), 1964, Zinc and acid etching, Gift of Thomas Petschek (Joyce Sherman, Vassar College class of 1955), 1965.12
Jim Dine (American, 1935- ) Self-Portrait (New York Ten), 1964, Zinc and acid etching, Gift of Thomas Petschek (Joyce Sherman, Vassar College class of 1955), 1965.12

On June 16, 1935, Jim Dine was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Although he refutes the label, Dine is considered one of the first pop artists and became known for his inclusion of personal, every day objects in his work.

In this interview in 1996 (skip ahead to 29:04), he and his wife, Nancy, discuss his career with Charlie Rose. The interview begins with a focus on a recent installation in Germany and then how Dine became and considers himself as an artist.

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